By Danni Boatwright
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2 idols, 2 blindsides, and you're still standing! Congratulations :)

1-We're rapidly approaching the end. Who do you think you can beat this tribe? who do you for sure lose to?
2-Who needs to leave next? how are you going to make it happen?
3-Who betrayed your trust in these past two votes? who do you know you can rely on?

Danni Boatwright

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By Benji
1- I think i can lose to anyone left in this game, but i also think I can win against everyone. It all just depends on how well I can turn the jury's perception of me around if they think i'm a floater.
2- Zach (explained more below)
3- no one really betrayed me, i knew basically where all votes were going, just not the idols lol

So Ro says it was Mo & Shane & Zatch and I knew about Shane & Zatch, but i figured Mo was more loyal to the group of me & Lee until she was voted most strategic or whatever. Looking back I can see how she kinda dismissed the idea of targeting either one one of them so it makes sense.

High-key pissed she was blind-sided bc I wanted to vote her out, ME, that was supposed to be MY MOVE.
But whatever, I'm alive, life moves on.

From what I gather, it's Ro&Monika, Shane& Zatch, and Lee&Me. Lee & I are the swings from what it seems, but it's too early to tell. I think Monika is willing to let by-gones be by-gones at this point and work with me. The ideal is to use Ro&Monika to take out either Shane or Zatch, then use the remainder to take out Monika or Ro, and then Lee & I can use whoever we want to take us to f3. Problem is, idk if i want Lee in a F3 with me bc I have a feeling we'd split votes since we played very similar games, PLUS voting him out would be a big move for me bc it shows that I care more about winning that allegiances, so I'll have to do some working out as to when it's best to cut him off.

I think I have the best chance of winning against Lee if it's a F2, but if not then the order of my perceived ability to defeat at final tribal would be easiest as Monika, then Ro, Shane, Lee, Zatch. So ideally Zatch goes first.


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    Warungu Tribe
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