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Episode 03 - Fueling up

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:42:47 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Hola! Congrats on your continued success. Everyone seems to be settling onto the island and the tribes are harmonious. But we all know that these fake dudes and gals are never that simple. Lemme pick your brain about your tribe.

1. Who so you think is here to win and who do you already think is doomed? Why?
2. Are you catching any bad vibes? You putting any out?
3. Related to that, what are you doing to set yourself up in the case of a tribe switch?
4. Have you been looking for the Idol? If not, why the hell not? If yes, give us a rundown of your search.

Re: Episode 03 - Fueling up

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 10:57:08 am
by Jacqui
I might spend 10 minutes a day looking for the idol. I don't have a bunch of time to waste on that although it very likely can bite me in the butt later on. But I don't care for them, having them or working around them. It's never going to be a priority for me.

As for vibes, I guess we will know more about who's putting out good ones and who's putting out bad ones once the tribe averages are posted. I ranked myself pretty high. Probably higher than it is. LOL if I come in in the bottom third I will sit here and laugh uncontrollably for the rest of the night. The answers though will lend a lot of insight. I personally do feel that Conner is playing the best social game. And I'm 100% sure he is in it to win it. When I said yesterday though to Peter that he seemed universally loved, Peter seemed shocked. So maybe my opinions just don't jive with everybody else. I don't know.

I answered honestly and then I honestly guessed where I think the averages should fall.

I also think Peter is playing to win. And Pia. I'm sure everybody is but I see them playing the hardest for sure. And I know Zach is playing to win but he's hampered with time zone differences.

All the other folks keep it very short with me but that's OK. I've adjusted, or I'm out of the loop.

I'm not really doing much to make myself set for a swap. I mean, I am trying to be in good standing with everybody in this tribe. I am encouraging a united vote tonight against Craig :teary: if we lose so we don't come across as divided. And if I genuinely like a post from the other team, I like it. I want to at least have subtly engaged with some of them.