- Sat Oct 12, 2019 6:46:43 pm
So Djaru 2.0. I basically am OK with everybody on this tribe. I feel like I have a good relationship with Peter obviously although I do not 100% trust him at all. I do however believe he was talking game with me and was working on my side at this point. Zach. I actually really like him. We do have something in common. We are not challenge whores. Maybe we are both older. He alludes to being older but, like we are behind a computer screen, I have no idea really. But I feel like I connect to him pretty well. I think Shane is hysterical and would say I talked to her the least. She has also offered the least game talk but she did say as long as we had a watch your back type deal, she was cool with that at this point in the game. So we have one of those.
The questions is do I want to play a short term or long term game. I don't know? Short term, if we lose we vote out an old Larrakai. Keep numbers. In the end, every eff'ing time, numbers win the game. I have to worry that one of Johno, Monika or Flick have an idol and blow the shit out of the plan. It can happen. I need to NOT be the target.
Or I can play a longer game. Like no one at OG Djaru even had to test a relationship. Do I know if any of those people really had my back? Once they saw rankings, would they have all teamed up against me or Conner or Shane. There is no way to know. So longer term is invest in these people a shit ton.
That's what I want to do. I might still go back and vote out an OG Larrakai the first time I go to TC on this tribe. But I might not do it a 2nd time. I have not decided which course I really want yet.
I do know Shane wants to keep Flick around because Flick got a #1 rating. Truthfully I don't know how accurate some of the ranking is. If Shonee had ranked would it have been the same. I don't know. I do know I feel strongly that me, Shane, Conner were for sure the top of old Djaru and I'm fine with keeping other top ranked players around for a couple of reasons. They obviously know what they are doing. And the more in that upper ranking the better, at least I have to believe that. More targets for bottom feeders to take a shot at.
That sounds disrespectful. I do not mean it that way. I typically much prefer the bottom feeders. I can easily talk to them. I don't feel like I always have to be "on" with them. I genuine enjoy playing with people like that. But I think you know what I mean. A threat alliance of sorts although it is way to early to really know who the threats are. Perception is though that it's Shane and Flick and I'd be OK hitching my star to their wagon.
As for Johno and Monika. The jury's still out. I immediately liked Johno and thought Monika was going to be a snooze fest. But Monika has stepped it up. And just talking to Flick I think she is subtly trying to cast some shade on Johno. Which means, I am supposed to prefer Monika just to stay in line with Flick's opinion. She may think she is being subtle but she is not. I get where she is steering conversations.
Still a day though to figure out what I most think is right. I think it will land on us voting out Johno, which may be stupid in regard to challenges. Maybe Peter will find himself in trouble. He honestly could not have missed a worst time.
Anyway that's all I've got at this point. I did try some things in the idol forum. No luck. I don't want to even participate in that but yeah, these smaller tribes do have me much more worried than a bigger tribe. No place to hide at all.