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Episode 13 - Crikey!

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:45:35 pm
by Jonathan LaPaglia
Wow what a rush.

1. How did the merge breakdown in terms of alliances leading up to that Council?
2. Had Peter not given up his Immunity, what would have happened?
3. How does this shift the dynamics of the game going forward?
4. Does the Public Immunity Idol change anything?

Re: Episode 13 - Crikey!

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:07:07 pm
by Jacqui
I'll have more to say over the weekend but I have never had someone do something so selfless for me in gaming ever. Now back in the day when I was actually good I could heartfuck with the best of them. But I'm not good like that any more. Peter just did a noble act and I'm floored and touched and don't even know what to say.

I am happy.

But I also wish he had not done that. He deserved to be here and my game deserved to end.

Re: Episode 13 - Crikey!

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 10:33:46 am
by Jacqui
When I mention heart fuck this is 100% what I mean. This is some primo shit right here :heart: from Lee
it's not that I want to rehash it, I've just been thinking a lot about it since last night and I feel really guilty about it all and really cowardly for how I went about everything, and I want to apologize for being kind of a shitty friend and ally to you. You have genuinely
been nothing but honest with me, and with the flick vote, I definitely wasn't as honest as I should have been and selfishly tried to have my cake and eat it to, assuming I could do damage control with you.
last night was a wake up call for me. I knew Peter's name was out there, and in the event Peter won I knew that the name that it would fall to would likely be you or Shane, and I should have acted preemptively and come to you and tried to make a plan then and there, but I didn't because I was kind of being a coward. this whole game I've been trying to be "safe".
and then last night, when things blew up, I realized that my version of playing safe has really been playing cowardly and being a bad ally to people who have been nothing but honest with me. so not only was it cowardly, it wasn't even effective or smart.
so I want to change that. and I know I can SAY that but I think the best thing to do is to try and show that instead by trying to push this move to happen and flip this game.
i'm really sorry that i've been so shitty, i'm really not proud of how i've played the game and i'm done being a cowardly swing vote for people.
so even if this move backfires, if someone sells me out or it ends up getting me booted sooner than I would have, at least I go out having tried to have the backs of people who have genuinely been on my side.

and that's the end of my rant

Re: Episode 13 - Crikey!

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:34:04 pm
by Jacqui
I did not get around to this. If I make it through tonight I will update it better. But I definitely think there are cracks. I just don't know if I have actually capitalized on any of them or not.

I hope so. Mainly so Peter's gesture does not go unrewarded. If I can just make it one more round I feel like him sacrificing himself was not a total waste.