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Episode 14 - Somebody that I used to Know

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:59:26 pm
by Danni Boatwright
What an evening! Congrats on surviving another crazy scramble. It's only going to get tougher from here

1-AK became the first member of our jury. How does the Jury starting change your strategy moving forward, if at all?
2-Both merge votes have been near unanimous. Is it concerning to you that there aren't distinct sides in this tribe? Or is the mob mentality working in your favor.
3-we're past the halfway mark in the game. What is your ideal plan to make it through the second half?
4-Whats the funniest Australian slang word? I could use a laugh
5-This tribe is filled with larger than life personalities. Is this beneficial to your game, or are you worried that you may fade into the background?

Keep up the good work!

Re: Episode 14 - Somebody that I used to Know

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 7:38:10 am
by Lee
Abbey, Johno, Luke, Jenna Louise, Peter.

1. Andy
2. Craig
3. Peter
4. Johno
5. Jennah Louise
6. Conner
7. Pia
8. Shonee
9. Luke
10. Flick

Re: Episode 14 - Somebody that I used to Know

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:49:23 am
by Lee
Ok I definitely didn't win that one :angry:

I honestly did not expect to win the last one though so


moment of celebration about that! :fire:

Now, as for last night, that shit was absolutely insane. The weekend was dead silent, and I knew Jacqui's name was out there and I assumed my name would be out there as well because these people are fucking shady as shit. After I won immunity, all hell broke loose. I'm trying not to be paranoid over whether or not it was BECAUSE I won immunity, but either way, it resulted in a complete showdown between Brooke and AK. I'm not really sure who brought up whose name first, and I think in truth a lot of it was Phoebe stirring shit up between them which I'm absolutely fine with. So all of the sudden it's completely up in the air - are people voting Brooke or AK? Zach seems firmly on Brooke's side and he and AK start arguing about god knows what. AK started running around telling people that Zach was bullying him which might have been true but was also hilarious. Shane seemed to kind of want Brooke out, but Jacqui kind of wanted whatever Phoebe wanted which was AK, so it was kind of a mess. Ultimately Brooke won out and literally everyone settled on AK, except for Monika who was being a legit pain in my ass targeting Benji because she hates Benji & I :eyeroll:

So AK goes, and now I'm not sure where that leaves things.

For one - what do we do about Fanella? She's not completely inactive but she's not really a reliable vote either, and after her complete absence from last night I think there might be some push (specifically from Zach) to knock her out tonight and have an easy round. I'm not against it, I just don't want to be the idiot that falls into that trap and then gets booted when people are like "Hey Fanella, Lee wants you out so vote for him!" so I'm going to let the group move in that direction on its own.

I'm really trying to work on a relationship with Brooke. Truthfully she and AK are two heads of the same snake but I *THINK* I have a good enough relationship with her that she'd at least not want to immediately kill me here. We've been friends in this game so there's a relationship, and we kind of opened up to each other last night? Sort of?

then there's Jacqui and Shane, who I feel like I've done a decent job of repairing my relationship with. I was pretty active in trying to make sure that the target wasn't on either of them last night, and you can tell there was paranoia on their end about what was happening so I don't think they're secretly working behind my back.

My relationship with Benji & Mo is the same as ever, but I'm trying to create some distance there so we're not targeted as a trio at any point. Because truthfully, we're not? We've just... been together the entire game. Lol.

I'm not a big personality by any means but I don't think I'm fading into the background. Especially after winning that IC. I'm clearly not as smooth as I thought I was and I don't think people enjoy me that much. Like maybe they think I'm kind of boring? but my name is out there so I feel like if I can hype my game up a little bit, I can also change people's perceptions of me a little in that respect.