--7th Place-- Voted Out 5-2
Still in, yeet!

4 down, 19 to go. Still a ton of game left to play.

1. Have things been ramping up yet in the smaller tribe or do you have some wiggle room?
2. Is this a cross-tribal game yet or are you still sticking Ridgid with your original group?
3. Who of the new tribemates are you bonding with the most/least?
4. Have you gotten to know the players you were on a tribe with originally better/bonded more?

--You've answered most of these in our voice confessional--

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Moana
I will answer it again anyway! But short.

1. I think this tribe is ramping up, gameplay wise I think stuff is happening
2. Trying to bond with JL, Brooke, and Fanella. Keeping a little distant from Luke.
3. New tribemate im bonding with the most is definitely Brooke, she has a strong social game undeniably
4. I think Luke is my closest ally as of now, definitely loving him atm


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By Moana
UGH I am starting to gain Brooke's trust a lot and I am starting to worry about playing an idol on benji if it will be a waste. I might decide to save it if we keep winning immunity. Damn I am such an idiot why did I tell anyone I got it now I have to make a decision asdfghjk


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By Moana
So why pia? Why Peter?

Pia for revenge- if she threw my name out once she will do it again!

Peter- Shane mentioned trusting peter. Peter is an UTR player. I want to weaken Shane but also want to keep big threats around (I.e. keep Shane forever).


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By Moana
I swear our tribe is the least forward thinking tribe in existence. They all want to lie about the vote. Why would anyone want to destroy their credibility to the other tribe so early in the game, it isn't even the merge yet. I like to save the devious backstabbing for the very end, and play up the beginning as a basis of trust and understanding. These morons are so excited to vote out a Djaru that they immediately start coming up with misdirects and crazy strategies.


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