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Episode 03 - Fueling up

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:45:55 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Hola! Congrats on your continued success. Everyone seems to be settling onto the island and the tribes are harmonious. But we all know that these fake dudes and gals are never that simple. Lemme pick your brain about your tribe.

1. Who do you think is here to win and who do you already think is doomed? Why?
2. Are you catching any bad vibes? You putting any out?
3. Related to that, what are you doing to set yourself up in the case of a tribe switch?
4. Have you been looking for the Idol? If not, why the hell not? If yes, give us a rundown of your search.

Re: Episode 03 - Fueling up

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 6:20:57 pm
by Phoebe
1. Who do you think is here to win and who do you already think is doomed? Why?
We have plenty of people here that are here to win the game. Shonee, Shane, Pia, Moana, Peter to name a few. They are here to win & aren't going to stop at anything from doing their very best at the game. The people doomed right now is Craig on this team. He hasn't been around the last twenty four hours, before that he was the least active already. I do not think he has much of a chance here, unfortunately. He would benefit from a tribal swap as his only last potential chance.

2. Are you catching any bad vibes? You putting any out?
I get some bad vibes from Pia for some reason. Lately, I have been going from loving her to thinking she is going to be a loose cannon in the future. She isn't very consistent with her IMs lately. I feel like she isn't someone I could rely on. Nobody else is "bad" vibes so far. I feel like once we go to a tribal council then more of that might come to light though! :inlove:

3. Related to that, what are you doing to set yourself up in the case of a tribe switch?
I have been trying to be very middle of the road on this team. I have been trying to avoid attacking the other team in public. I do not want any bad blood before a potential swap together. I want them to see me as a potential friend/ally, not the enemy!! :heart:

4. Have you been looking for the Idol? If not, why the hell not? If yes, give us a rundown of your search.

Yes! Of course! I have been trying everything I can. I have found a Rainbow serpent, I have looked into dreams and the conscience brain. I am trying things related to elders and the rainbow serpent mostly though. I think it really fits due to them creating creeks that lead to bigger bodies of water. Dreamtime/Rainbow serpent is where I have ended up within the Australian/elder history. However, I just cannot figure out the specific word or phrase that the password box is looking for!! :steamy:

Re: Episode 03 - Fueling up

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 7:59:55 pm
by Phoebe
Someone has to have this idol!! I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING!!!

Craig is evacuated & I WAS RANKED NUMBER 9?!! WHAT THE HELL. I am fuming!!!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: