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Episode 13 - Crikey!

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2019 8:43:27 pm
by Jonathan LaPaglia
Wow what a rush.

1. How did the merge breakdown in terms of alliances leading up to that Council?
2. Had Peter not given up his Immunity, what would have happened?
3. How does Jacqui getting Immunity shift the dynamics of the game going forward?
4. Does the Public Immunity Idol change anything?

Re: Episode 13 - Crikey!

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:13:43 pm
by AK
1. It would seem most people are on the same page... which is scary. Ha - Poor Shane/Jacqui are in no mans land currently. I feel bad that Monika could get sucked into that abyss. Otherwise, I didn't sense anyone wanted to really mix shit up - Granted, Benji wanted Shane over Jacqui. But I think I covered my ass after the vote. Don't know for sure though since Jacqui is a wiley one and wouldn't ever acknowledge to me she is burned beyond belief. But seems like Ro/Lee think she is completely scorned. Also, Monika wanted Lee and Benji out... so, she needs to clock into where most folks minds are stat.

2. Jacqui would have gone in a landslide if he didn't use it. Peter was the initial target, then when Jacqui told him, and he won immunity, she became the target.

3. Well it makes her and Shane a thing - granted, I think Peter and Shane would have connected, so the variables are relatively the same. The three at the bottom seem to be The Coven 2.0 - But this time, I trust Monika way more than I did Flick.

4. Phoebe getting the idol seemingly helps me - unless we are seen as a duo in any fashion, then she could end up idoling me out if we are both targeted. I am also kind of surprised that Monika told me she had one. I do enjoy talking to her, but I haven't gotten as deep with her as others, so it is def awesome that she sees me as a confidant like that. It certainly makes me wanna keep her in it.

*sorry for the brevity - will try to hit a supplemental insight up before Sundays vote

Re: Episode 13 - Crikey!

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 5:38:32 pm
by AK
Tonight's vote has me nervous. I worry I lost Fanny by telling everyone her mom was in the hospital... in retrospect, not a good move, but I thought I'd be able to talk to her before she blabbed the truth to everyone. She seems too sensitive at this point for me to be confident in.

Tonight seems to be between Fanny, Lee, Benji, and Jacqui... or it could be me, of course. If Fanny did wanna make a big move, I hate to say it, but it'd be me or Brooke... and I think she is closer to Brooke.

What's a boy to do?! Trying not to throw too many names out there tonight... but I do think keep Jacqui for one vote is in my interest. So, we will see if I can make that happen or not. Not wholly confidant I can.

Re: Episode 13 - Crikey!

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:01:42 pm
by AK
Okay, not good - I would be surprised if I didn't get votes tonight now... seriously concerned here.