--9th Place-- Voted Out 6-3
By Jonathan LaPaglia
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A win on a new tribe. Fresh Start.

1. Where do you sit on the tribe and what would happen if you were to go to the next Council?
2. How are you feeling about the tribe now after that challenge?
3. What are your thoughts on AK joining the other tribe?
4. What do you make of Jennah Louise being voted out and what does that mean going forward?

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Brooke
1. Where do you sit on the tribe and what would happen if you were to go to the next Council? Well i WANT to think I'm sitting good. If I'm not then there is nothing I can do about anymore, I've talked to the people I needed to talk to. I've made my plea, tried to start alliances with those I think I can. So unless everyone is playing me I should be good. Which scares me even more.

2. How are you feeling about the tribe now after that challenge? That's kinda the same question as before wtf. I feel like I'm going to war with shane and jaqui come the merge. The thing is, overall they have more numbers than I do and I need to change that ASAP.

3. What are your thoughts on AK joining the other tribe? I hope he can survive and make inroads with people so that we can get a safe group in a merge. I kinda wanted to throw the challenge but he was never really giving me a concrete answer about it.

4. What do you make of Jennah Louise being voted out and what does that mean going forward? it sucks. She along with Fanella and Luke, was one person I've been on a tribe from day one, so there was a bond there, even if it was not the strongest. I would've rather have seen an ogDjaru go but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

:crown: Queen B, survives another round


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