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Episode 11 - Island of Prisoners

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 8:43:48 pm
by Jonathan LaPaglia
1. Were you surprised by who went for the Immunity?
2. How did Tribal Council go for you and were you surprised by anything?
3. When do you think a merge is coming and how has that impacted your strategy?
4. How does Conner's boot impact your game?

Re: Episode 11 - Island of Prisoners

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:58:56 am
by Brooke

1. Were you surprised by who went for the Immunity?
Not really. I kinda figured everyone would

2. How did Tribal Council go for you and were you surprised by anything? I'm a paranoid mess in this things. I legit thought everyone's comments at tribal were about me lmao <3

3. When do you think a merge is coming and how has that impacted your strategy?
It definitely has in a sense. I mean since we can't know when it's gonna happen I don't really plan on throwing anything though I wouldn't put against me. I fear what Zach or Peter could do in a merge

4. How does Conner's boot impact your game?

It's good for me? It's one less Djaru overall and he was never really playing WITH ME, more like, around me, so I had no real use for him in the game. Besides he's someone who could join back up with Jacqui or Shane. The same holds for Peter or Zach though so I'm watching those two

Queen B again taking out another Djaru :crown: