--11th Place-- Voted Out 10-1
By Jonathan LaPaglia
Custom Posts Custom
Well the game has been flipped on its head.

1. How do you feel about the new members on your tribe now and who you are with from your original tribe?
2. With three new idols being up for grabs with pre-merge conditions, will that affect your strategy in how vote-outs happen?
3. Going from a large tribe of 12 to a small tribe of 7, how will your strategy change?
4. How are you feeling about your position in the new tribe and how do you think that will translate long-term?

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Fanella
Hi I'm Fanella and I SUCK. just kidding. kinda. Sorry for real though i need to be better. i hate real life sometimes ya know?
1. i cant pretend im not pumped to have switched after how badly i was ranked during the challenge lol.
2. i need one.
3. i like small tribes better because im a quality over quantity kind of gal lol
4. were technically in a majority based on og tribes so thats great! i think brooke and i are solid but i could be wrong lol im trying to get in with the other peeps too though just in case.


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By Fanella
no one's really been online today :/ i've been able to talk to Moana more and she's hilarious. Brooke is still super cool but I get the feeling she's a smart/tough cookie so she slightly makes me nervous.


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