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Episode 07 - So that happened.

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:54:26 pm
by Jonathan LaPaglia
I.. have no words... where do I begin.

1. What did you make of the cross-tribal dynamics that occurred?
2. What did you learn about the other tribe?
3. Did you learn anything new about your tribemates?
4. What do you think about the idols being played?
5. Pia leaving, good for your game?
6. Recap what happened cuz it was a lot.

Re: Episode 07 - So that happened.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 7:27:47 pm
by Jennah Louise
yeah a lot happened and I have a lot of things to say..I'll post it later Lunch time LMAO

Re: Episode 07 - So that happened.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:10:18 pm
by Jennah Louise
Well tbf.. Brooke is right and the other two tribes are just Dumb.

I'm sorry Hosts that you cast overdramatic peopel with no brains and talent. smh

Re: Episode 07 - So that happened.

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:11:17 pm
by Jennah Louise
This is fun tho like... Shonee yelling cuz she might get fuck is making me moist. LOL

Re: Episode 07 - So that happened.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 8:54:05 am
by Jennah Louise
Recap tiimmeeee! LOL
sorry I havent done a lot of Confs, I'm just didn't have a lot of time while at work and when I get home I am sooo tired! omg! anyways! here you goo
1. What did you make of the cross-tribal dynamics that occurred?
it was such a mess. I wasn't nervous for myself because I don't really feel that I'm in danger. So far my game has just been really social, I try to make sure these hoes like me enough to include me on their plans and make them think I am on their back pocket, I make sure that I contribute to challenges making myself a reliable ally.

So for the cross tribal dynamics, I really tried to use the limited time to play nice to the other tribe members that I haven't met yet like Connor and Phoebe, just planting myself as a nice dumb useless sheepy hoe and based on our interaction I feel like I achieved it if I didnt then fuck me please I've been dry anyways so that will be great for my morale lmaooo

it was also great to reconnect even just for a little with Ak and Rohan. I just really wanted to talk to them and make them feel that I care about them(which I do) and just remind that "hey I'm that friendly hoe that you can trust".. yeah yeah.

2. What did you learn about the other tribe?
What I learned about the other tribe is that Shonee is a dumb bitch.
3. Did you learn anything new about your tribemates?
Well.. I don't think I learned something new but maybe just confirmed my suspicions about some of my tribemates.
Like Benji just really playing the UTR game, Moana and Lee being a strong duo, Brooke playing hard and all over the place, Fanella being borderline dead or in life support, idk and Luke being a sneaky bastard
4. What do you think about the idols being played?
I think it was great that two idols were wasted tbh. It would be great for my game because it's just a less thing I have to worry about in the future.

5. Pia leaving, good for your game?

Hmmm.. based on what was told to me (recently) she was playing hard and honestly I would rather have her still be in the game so she can be a threat but at the time we have to vote someone out she was the only option because of her challenge performance and also I think that Phoebe is much more well connected. Tbh I would rather have Benji, Fanella or Phoebe go that round but Oh girl Brooke...well whatever.
6. Recap what happened cuz it was a lot.
Okay.. soo there was a talk about wanting an OG Djaru leaving which was apparently suggested by Moana and Lee just to tie up the numbers of the OG Tribes, cuz Lee and Moana being at that bottom rankings of that challenge they don't really care about the OG tribe atm so yeah if we lose we are gonna vote a Djaru.

Brooke I think y'all know with her 300+ posts prob mentioned that she wanted a Djaru out and will push a Djaru out cuz of the fear of pagonging. She wanted us to be 4L piss strong that I am not really a fan because we have dead weight but since I am playing that dumb hoe role I'd be like..yeah, yeah okay, sure..smh. So ofc she'd like a Djaru out and knowing her she'd want a threat out immediately and I felt like she'd go for Pia tbh. And spoiler alert she did want her out, it was gonna be Pia or Peter. She then proceed to post that thread about the vote which is weird tbh cuz we all know she'd prob talked about it on messenger with the NuLarrakai hoes, I read the whole thing and there are some dumb shit that was posted there and ofc I didn't point it out cuz I'm that dumb hoe.

I went into the game late and we lost and we going to tribal with Tulua? Talua? Tatlua? idk

Luke left a message telling me about Brooke asking for Luke's vote lmao and also I got that message, it's weird like.. bitch don't tell us what to do.

Anyways there are two things that I can do in that vote.
1.) Go with the original Plan and that is vote out a "threat" in Pia
2.) Vote out an Inactive hoe like Fanella and Benji.. but ofc I am leaning towards Benji

Sooo Conner and Phoebe messaged me, I told them "i DonT knOw whAt to dOoooOoo" like as if I'm stupid.
I told them that spiel about how it would be unfair if an active player goes this round while an Inact survives again. They asked me who are the inactive. I told them there are 2 inactives still in the game. I assume they also asked my other tribemates especially the OG Djaru for the inactives. I threw Fanella and Benji's name out but ofc only Fanella's name stuck with them cuz she was Larrakai which is not good cuz I prefer Benji out. I was hoping that someone in our tribe would be like "yeah I think getting an inactive out is better for all of us cuz... (logical reasons)". But then since only Fanella's name was only thrown out there, I had a feeling that it's not gonna be good at least for me cuz at least me and Fanella has a little relationship and to me it seems like they just want another Larrakai out.

Sooo..I stuck with the original plan of getting Pia out. smh

I did talk to Pia a little bit and that was it.. nothing special. lol

My fave part of that cross tribal was talking to Rohan and Ak again OMG! I love them so much! (they would probably vote me out later on just like in Morocco I can feel it! LOL)

Rohan told me that Abbey was inact so she got voted out and basically they were gonna be pagonged if they lose again. I tried to tell him that Benji is inact too but he'd be like yeah Fanella is the easiest.. smh
He was supposed to tell me that someone in there tribe doesn't have an idol and is fine getting that person out and then that little bitch ghosted me. TBH it is so SUS like.. can't he type in three fucking letters and just say it was P-I-A.
so now I just find him really suspicious and it reminds me of someone, so fuck that shit.

AK ughhh love him, we didn't really had enough time to talk that time but he told me he doesn't want to vote Fanella out and if we had enough time we prob can do something about it but oh well he was late and everything was a mess.

sooo..yeah during that time I was talking to everyone and I noticed I haven't talked to Shonee and I didn't bother cuz why the fuck should I talk to her. I thought well she'd not notice it anyways since she is prob scrambling too so I just ignored her LOL

and then Tribal happened, my plan was to just to be low key and observe.. then we all saw what kind of mess happened there. Shonee started picking fights like a dumb bitch.

Then the dumb bitch called me out while I was minding my own business and started to pick a fight with me and I was like...if this is the old me I'd prob be like "I will fight anybody! It don't matter bitch" but it's too early for that.
The dumb bitch wants attention and if that's what she wants from me then she will not get it. She can fucking choke.
tbh I was really trying not to be that old bitch, and my fingers are itching to fight her but thank god I am an old mature bitch who knows what's up.

so that lesson here is if you gonna be a bitch, back it up with some talent hoe or get fucked stupid.

So bye hater! too bad you won't be able to taste Jennah-Louise bitch, so go starve for attention in loser island you dumb hoe LOL