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Episode 18- Idolatry

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 10:30:20 pm
by Danni Boatwright
2 idols, 2 blindsides, and you're still standing! Congratulations :)

1-We're rapidly approaching the end. Who do you think you can beat this tribe? who do you for sure lose to?
2-Who needs to leave next? how are you going to make it happen?
3-Who betrayed your trust in these past two votes? who do you know you can rely on?
4-You pulled a ballsy move playing your idol to save Monika. How does this benefit your game moving forward?

Re: Episode 18- Idolatry

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 10:46:08 am
by Rohan
Honestly I have a fighting chance against anyone except Shane IMO. Zach would be the next biggest competition, and I want him out for other purposes but everyone else I think I could possibly take.

I'm going to go completely out of order on your questions but - I posted yesterday in confessional that I just couldn't leave Shane and Moana both in the game at F6. At that point the power entirely shifts to their hands and not mine.

F8 - Zach and I talk about getting Phoebe out. She's been super flaky with me ever since the merge and I can get Zach to play the nullifier on her potentially which would help me out, so I want to go with this plan. We get Zach/Shane/Rohan/Moana/Monika to be on board with this plan, all is fine. BUT THEN MONIKA CONFUSES VOTES WITH DICKS AND TRIES TO DRAW THEM ALL ON HER. Like, bitch, I know you successfully played your idol, but you DIDN'T EVEN NEED TO HAD YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH. It got out that she told Phoebe votes were coming her way and to play her idol. Honestly, I think this totally tanked any chance she had of getting Zach/Moana/Shane's vote. Just a dumby dumb dumb move.

But in any case, votes are drawn to Monika, she plays the Larrakai idol (which, duh, I didn't have it and she's the only other Larrakai left) AND THEN PHOEBE DOESN'T EVEN PLAY HER OWN IDOL AFTER HEARING SHE'S GETTING VOTES. SHE ASSUMED ZACH WAS GONNA USE THE NULLIFIER. What the fucking fuck!!! Dude, does anyone here have more than two brain cells? And no, I'm not counting any of the sperm cells that landed in their mouths tonight. Shane throws a spare vote at Phoebe and she's gone easy on the revote.

Heading into I tried to do that entire challenge while talking on the phone. Clearly not a smart move. I almost won it despite complete idiocy but whatever. Benji wins. Scramble before tribal. Everyone wants Monika gone after last tribal's idol and dumbsmanship. Monika throws out Moana's name...time to see if it sticks. I need it to. Lee is surprisingly open to it. Benji's head is in his own ass. Or up Moana's. Or both. I throw it out to Zach since there seemed to be some openness there...and he flat-out says it wouldn't be good for his game. Moana doesn't want to do Shane. At this is abundantly clear to me that Zach/Shane/Moana view themselves as "the three big threats" and are sticking together to avoid mutually assured destruction. They think if they don't go to F6 or later with each other they're done. That directly conflicts with what is good for my game and so I need to take it into my own hands.

I antagonize Monika a bit at tribal to make sure people don't think I'm idoling her. And I Leeroy Jenkins it. It was so much fun and I felt like I had redeemed myself from Turks. Boom. Moana, who I've had on my radar since f10 is finally gone. And I feel like the game has been blown wide open. If I just boot Monika there, I either get to the end with one of the power players and I lose for being passive or I go out unceremoniously at F5 or something. I'm here to win and I'm not afraid of getting voted out, I've been voted out before.

From here on out...anyone is fair game for me to vote out but I do need to make sure Shane goes eventually. I haven't gotten any votes cast against yet and we're in F6 but I fully expect that to change now. I'll do whatever it takes, mind games, logic, full-on intimidation to move forward.

I think at least for the time being the optimal strategy is making Lee/Monika/Benji wake the fuck up and realize they'd get destroyed by Zach and Shane in the finals. I'm a threat but not as big a threat as those guys and I actively want to work with them. In an ideal world we can split the vote between Zach and Shane and avoid any super idols or any bullshit. 2-2-2 vote at F6 is a wet dream. I'd want Zach out there then we have F5 with Shane as the obvious boot and it's just me being able to win a challenge or two till the end. I'm definitely going to need to win at least one which shows I haven't played a perfect game but who gives a fuck at this point.

@Moana - I don't need to be best friends with everyone at this stage of the game, but people need to be at least willing to work with me for a vote. Which I think I can do. So fuck you

Re: Episode 18- Idolatry

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 12:04:04 pm
by Rohan
Alright strategy for this challenge...go after the high volume counts first. If you're off by 50% in the small ones it doesn't matter as much. Probably going to login to the past few seasons to practice.

Benji said he went over time so hopefully that's one less person to worry about lol. I want to win immunity here. In theory I *should* be fine this vote but I also wouldn't be surprised if everyone saw the idol play and wanted me out the round.