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Zach's Final Tribal Council Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 8:45:22 pm
by Jonathan LaPaglia
This is Zach's Final Tribal Council Thread.

All other Jurors should remain in their own threads. Final 2, remember... this is not for you to address each other, but to talk to Zach. In-fighting amongst the Final 2 should take place in the main Final Tribal Council thread stickied at the top of the forum.

Zach, you have until Tomorrow at 5c/6e to post your statements/questions to the Final 2. Remember not to take up too much of their time as they have 9 other jurors to get to. Please, no listing or questions requiring novels for answers. You should post all of your statements/questions in your opening post in this thread.

When you are ready, you may leave your final vote along with confessional in your Voting Thread at the top of the confessional. You can change it any time before 8c/9e tomorrow. That is when they are due.

Re: Zach's Final Tribal Council Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:01:39 pm
by Zach
My Benjibro & The Silent Assasin :strong:

I'm pretty happy that one of us was able to get here. It was a big risk the boys took by giving you a chance to win that FIC. I'm proud you balled out and produced a clutch win there. Also proud that I identified you a while back as an UTR threat who was playing superbly although it was too late to stop your run here.
My question for you = Out of everyone in the cast minus yourself, what F2 would you be most keen to see & vote on as a juror?

Benjibro - the ultimate challenge god.
Congrats on getting all the way here, it's an amazing effort and you deserve a lot of credit for your game and especially your ability to dominate challenges the way you did. You played a good game and don't let anyone tell you any different. Something you also deserve credit for is being a recipient of AK's hatred. It truly is an honour to be hated by the worst player of the season and I hope you take pride in it like I do.
My question for you = Aside from challenges, what was the key part of your game that helped you get to FTC?

Best of luck boys. Love you both :cool:

Re: Zach's Final Tribal Council Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:10:29 pm
by Benji
I think a key part that helped me get to FTC was convincing people that I was just willing to vote however they wanted, when in fact I've influenced every vote. I was able to talk through options with people in a way that made it not so obvious that I was leading them towards an answer of who to vote for. Later in the game, I convinced people that I had no chance of winning while also reminding everyone that Lee and Monika were challenge threats as well so that I wouldn't be targeted for that. Once it became apparent that everyone thought I was goat material, I used that to my advantage, protesting just enough so as not to seem completely suspicious. Each of my interactions in this game was balanced and measured out, which is ultimately why I was able to make it to this point. I controlled how I was perceived for much of the game.

Re: Zach's Final Tribal Council Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:37:42 pm
by Rohan
For the record, this answer isn't about sucking cock, you know well that I'm the alpha here young man.

You and Monika. Give me a close vote with the fireworks of you two not taking any shit from anybody and telling jurors to go fuck themselves any day.