--15th Place - Idoled Out 3 - 0
By Jonathan LaPaglia
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Well the game has been flipped on its head.

1. How do you feel about the new members on your tribe now and who you are with from your original tribe?
2. With three new idols being up for grabs with pre-merge conditions, will that affect your strategy in how vote-outs happen?
3. Going from a large tribe of 12 to a small tribe of 7, how will your strategy change?
4. How are you feeling about your position in the new tribe and how do you think that will translate long-term?

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Conner

Well this should be interesting.

1- SO. Rohan seems like a nutcase, AK is currently nowhere to be found but is apparently popular with the old yellow tribe, and Abbey is 100000% steph which means I don't trust her as far as I can throw her. But depending on how things go, maybe I can use that to my advantage. From my old tribe, I've still got my girl Shonee. But we also swapped with Pia and Phoebe. Pia has told me that she doesn't mesh with Shonee, and I told Shonee about it. So hopefully the tension has died down in the past few days so I won't have to deal with a feuding alliance. Phoebe is honestly a wildcard here. She seems sweet, but I have no idea where she stands in the tribe other than the fact that shes friends with Pia. OOF

2-It changes my strategy to me needing to find that idol.

3-My strategy isn't changing much with the transition to a smaller tribe. If anything, it makes it a little bit easier. I'm going to spend some time working on Abbey/AK/Rohan and figure out if I'll be able to work with them at all. Hopefully we can win a challenge or two to avoid the stress of tribal, and we can make something happen with this group around the time of the next swap. But for now, time to be cool calm and collected Conner and make some more people love me.

4-Well, realistically I feel pretty good about my position. I think I'm probably the most connected within the 4 old Djaru members, so i don't see any of them flipping a vote onto me. However, I also see the opportunity to pull in a some numbers if I can find an OG yellow who was feeling on the outs. Maybe steph? idk. I guess we'll see. All in all it could have been a lot worse for me. But I still hate it.

ALSO. Seeing that Shane and Zach are still on a tribe together while I'm over here is tough. My tribemates are all too nice and I need people to talk trash with </3


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By Conner
Took the night to think about things. I have some ideas and I just need to write them down

I think I need to form some kind of an alliance with at least one of the OG yellows on this tribe. We still have 21 people left in the game, and chances are we'll be swapping once more before merge. I'd expect we have maybe 3 votes here before we swap back to two tribes of 9? and then that leaves us with 4 or 5 more boots before merge. That's a lot of time to depend on just the relationships i've formed so far. I don't plan on voting out Pia/Phoebe/Shonee, but I want to pull in one (or more) players to work with us so in the case of a swap I have more options at my disposal. This is where things will get tricky though because there isn't a ton of room to maneuver in a group of 7 in case something goes wrong.

My top choice is probably Rohan at the moment because he's funny. I'd rather not work with Abbey but I definitely think shes self interested enough to come along with me for a few votes. As far as AK goes I literally have no idea what he's like. Hopefully he's around today so I can get a feel for what he's like.

Also, vastly prefer this blue rep to the red one. Nice work by the design team :fire:


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By Conner
I'm trying very hard to not make assumptions about who people are outside of the game other than steph who LITERALLY told me she was currently in Nebraska, but like come on ya'll. The rest of this game is going to get fucking messy :rofl:


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By Conner
told you guys I was going to find this one :)

I have a really bad track record with idols though so this could be my downfall 😂

I can already hear Gary making fun of me


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By Conner
Well, I’m going all in with Shonee. That was always the plan after I was separated from Zach and Shane, but today confirmed it. She revealed to me that she has the Djaru idol which is WILD because I never would have suspected her. But, she told me and we solidified a F2 alliance if we get there. But, with 2 idols between us I think we will definitely make it out of this tribe alive!

That being said. Both of us agreed that our best bet of making it to merge is to try and form an alliance with the Larraki folks. AK would probably be the easiest swing as he told me he believed he was on the bottom of the tribe. However, I’m not positive that’s the truth. Rohan is already being fishy, telling me things like phoebe is looking to flip on us. He’s clearly the best player of the three and could be useful moving forward, but I think he’s got a lot of plans of his own. Abbey still hasn’t been around much, but I think she’s going to be back later tonight and I can get a better feel for how she’s sitting in the game.

My ideal situation would be to win this challenge and give us a bit more time to make a decision about where I want to go.


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By Conner
a couple things before we go to tribal.

1-Shonee is the most paranoid person I have ever played a game with. It's exhausting, but also hilarious.
2-I forgot how stressful the pre-tribal scramble gets. I was so lucky to not have to deal with this last week
3-Idk what pia is doing here. there was obvious momentum towards abbey being the vote tonight but she keeps fighting shonee to try and make it Rohan. It feels like such a dumb move to push for a different vote when your supposed allies all agree on something esle.
4-Shonee thinks we should start throwing Pia under the bus to Rohan and AK. Both of them have told me that Pia would be their choice of a target if they had their pick, so I don't think it should be a hard sell to rope them both in after this tribal. My ideal group leaving this swap would be the 6 of us after Abbey leaves, but I also wouldn't mind showing some loyalty to AK and Rohan by ditching Pia if needed


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