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Episode 02 - Not the First Boot!

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 9:07:05 pm
by Jonathan LaPaglia
Congrats on making it past the first boot!

With such an active and engaging tribe, is it difficult to find the weak link? How would you describe your position within the tribe and do you think you are being lied to about it?

Re: Episode 02 - Not the First Boot!

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:07:17 am
by Jacqui
Oh I forgot how I love your little messages because they instill paranoia. :heart:

Is this where I say I don't think I'm being lied to and you point and laugh? I don't really think I'm being lied to. But I also don't really think I am top dog favorite around here either. If everybody is kind of like me, then maybe they switch who their favorites are with each conversation. I find myself doing that.

But I really believe that Pia is with me. I really believe that Moana wants all the girls safe. I actually think I am good with most of the guys. Not Lee. But maybe everybody else. So unless it just comes down to tribe strength and challenge skills, I feel pretty OK.

I started to invest in Zach last night. I know I ranked him low but said there was potential there. And there is. I really like the way he talks and carries himself because it is so rogue in comparison and he entertains me. And I also really like Shonee because she seems so genuine and settled.

Pia has said she wants this 5some of her/me/Peter/Benji and Conner. That is like not my ideal 5some at all. But I"m going to roll with it on one hand and cultivate everybody else on the other I have no idea who all Pia told that she felt distant to Shonee and Muana but whoever it was told Shonee pretty much verbatim. I think it was Peter which immediately sends up a red flag. Like why the fuck do that at this stage of the game. There was literally no reason and as much as I like him and talked game the most with him, big red flag that he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and I hate that in an ally. Knowing when to talk and when to shut up is very important. Many, many people don't know when to be quiet.

Re: Episode 02 - Not the First Boot!

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:16:30 am
by Jacqui
Literally still not sent a PM. Literally laughing at people saying this is the most active game they have even been in. But loving the vibe here so much. Such a fantastic change of pace and I am so glad you asked me to play. I worried after the all-stars and how it became such ridiculous bullshit of ORGy vs. other people and I took other people's sides against ORGy and literally got hate PMs at ORGy for a month afterward that you would not want me to play again for you.

This is fun and lighthearted (even if others think this is cut throat) and I hope I stick around til jury so I can see the whole thing play out. Lots and lots of game to go before that point. But I pretty quickly realize if I'm going to have fun or not. This is a good cast, here, Jonathan.

Re: Episode 02 - Not the First Boot!

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:53:22 pm
by Jacqui
Me and Pia talking...

I guess I'm just getting sketchy vibes from Shonee, but that is probably just something to keep an eye on for later, and I might just be wrong
OK for sure we need to keep an eye on that then. So who is more "inactive." Sure, we're all active but is there anybody who really is not putting anything into messages? I'm actually starting to talk about this with Peter. He mentioned really liking you. So maybe we start something with peter here?
Unless you aren't a big fan.
I'm just talking to Peter now, too! And he mentioned liking you, to which I agreed immediately, haha
I'd love to work with you two.
OK great that is a start.
He did tell me he liked Shonee too so watch what you say with him.
Oh! Thanks for that. I just dropped him a hint that I'm not getting great vibes from her, hopefully that doesn't lead to any trouble.

Then last night Shonee says she heard Pia was saying she got sketchy vibes from her. I said that's not exactly how I heard it but yeah, maybe it was more you didn't top her "friends" list.

Then I ask Peter if he told Shonee about this. He was like What, Pia hasn't said anything to me about Shonee.

And it goes on and on and it ends up from Peter that Benji must have told her. And I ask Pia and she says she only told a couple people but it can't be Peter because we're tight.

GIRL, this is sloppy on all sides. You are tight. But Peter IMO uses knowledge as power at the detriment of people he literally just aligned hard with. I don't like that and I'm going to file this away and watch just how much I actually say to him.