--10th Place-- 3-3-3-1 Vote
By Jonathan LaPaglia
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Congrats! You have made the Merge!

1. How does it feel making it to the merge and the halfway point of the season?
2. What are your initial impressions of the merge and where you slot in?
3. Who would you like to get to know more that you haven't already?
4. Were you expecting to merge tonight and who would you ideally like to go first?

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Jacqui
I am thrilled to have made the merge. Last round I knew I was being lied to the whole day and even bluntly said I know you are holding back but I did think it would be shane or me instead of flick. I just did not think Rohan or AK would vote flick. I was not completely blindsided though in the fact that Lee did tell me it would not be Benji. And he asked that I just would not tell Moana so he wouldn't be seen as the one selling out the plan.

Whatever, I held my tongue because I thought it was the right thing to do.

I don't know exactly where I fit here. I think I am safe with about 1/2 the people and at risk with about half the people. I immediately connected with Brooke because I knew that would be important and ... y'all, she's bat shit crazy. But kind of in the right ways. Like if I am ever having a really bad paranoid day, I just need to think about her this morning and realize I'm actually a-Ok.

She and I talked about a lot of things. Like she knows I've said I want to weaken her. I did not deny shit. She needs her ass weakened. But I also proved to her that I'm not the only person saying that. And I think she sees that. And I proposed at least an early merge agreement about not voting for each other and taking the time to get to know each other. I figure if we go after each other then me, her, shane, we all go out back to back to back and everybody else coasts and that's certainly not to my benefit.

Shit I'd rather keep Brooke around and have some sort of threat alliance to play off of and get some of these floaters out of the game . No idea if that can work or not. The biggest heartbreak though is that Lee is the one selling shit out to her and that does not make me happy. I'm very disappointed in that tbh.

For tonight I have no idea how I will vote. There is now this 8th grade melodrama going on between brooke and peter which I don't like and it's unnecessary. I'm not voting for either of them. I may just vote for AK because that's how I want to vote. I don't know yet.


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