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Episode 14 - Somebody that I used to Know

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 8:59:04 pm
by Danni Boatwright
What an evening! Congrats on surviving another crazy scramble. It's only going to get tougher from here

1-AK became the first member of our jury. How does the Jury starting change your strategy moving forward, if at all?
2-Both merge votes have been near unanimous. Is it concerning to you that there aren't distinct sides in this tribe? Or is the mob mentality working in your favor.
3-we're past the halfway mark in the game. What is your ideal plan to make it through the second half?
4-Whats the funniest Australian slang word? I could use a laugh
5-This tribe is filled with larger than life personalities. Is this beneficial to your game, or are you worried that you may fade into the background?

Keep up the good work!

Re: Episode 14 - Somebody that I used to Know

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:42:54 pm
by Jacqui
I think there are distinct sides but those sides are fluid still at this point. I think with me staying actually there has been more talk about who is really with whom and where are true loyalties. Yeah, I think there is still some of that as long as it ain't me stuff going on. But I definitely think people are thinking more in terms of a solid plan. Or at least I hope.

I know there is some me/shane/lee/moana/phoebe talks that are pretty consistent. Then there is Brooke trying to make sure all "pairs" are kept safe by aligning. The weird thing is that her pair is Zach. OK? Whatever works for her. I hope both of these are kind of true. But I also think each round I can go.