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Episode 03 - Fueling up

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:43:25 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Hola! Congrats on your continued success. Everyone seems to be settling onto the island and the tribes are harmonious. But we all know that these fake dudes and gals are never that simple. Lemme pick your brain about your tribe.

1. Who so you think is here to win and who do you already think is doomed? Why?
2. Are you catching any bad vibes? You putting any out?
3. Related to that, what are you doing to set yourself up in the case of a tribe switch?
4. Have you been looking for the Idol? If not, why the hell not? If yes, give us a rundown of your search.

Re: Episode 03 - Fueling up

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:05:15 pm
by Lee
Ok, I'm sorry, I have sucked and haven't been able to do a confessional until now, but I've been getting my footing and trying to just adapt socially before I figure everything else out. For one, I've forgotten how different Stranded is as a series when it comes to socializing and getting to know people, and on top of it, now there's this new chat system and so it just threw me for a loop. I'm definitely having a hard time figuring out if I'm keeping up well with people and if I'm doing what I need to be doing to be safe, and not being able to tell where I stand in the tribe is definitely paranoia inducing.

I'm just trying to work on my individual relationships with people first and foremost. We have a really strong tribe, we've won the first two challenges and I think that's making people a lot more chill. Right now, the person that's on the chopping block as far as I'm being told, is Craig. Craig is just not putting in the effort with the rest of the tribe. People like him, but he doesn't seem to be trying as hard as everyone else or wanting to be in this as much, which makes him a really easy target. Sometimes it feels like it's too easy, but right now I just have to trust that people are seeing it the same way I'm seeing it.

I feel like I have a really good relationship with Conner, but I think a lot of people would say that. He's someone who I think is playing pretty hard right from the start, so I'm definitely doing my best to stay in good with him because he talks to a lot of people. I also feel like I'm talking a lot to people like Shane, Moana & Shonee, but it can be tough to tell if they're feeling close to me or not because there hasn't been much strategizing going on.

Pia is someone who is obviously very strong, but I don't know how I feel about her. I don't think I trust her. When everyone was kind of on the same page about voting for people who weren't as active, Pia brought up to Shane & Conner that she didn't like Shonee or Moana. It just seemed very random and it makes it difficult to figure out where her head is at or how she might play the game.

With such a big tribe it's hard to be super close to everyone, but I'm still trying to talk to all of the others and just remain as social as possible so even if we're not best friends on this team, we have some room to work together if there's a swap. and I also just want to make sure I keep my name off the table completely.

I've been searching for the idol a little bit, and I'll do it a little bit more now, but I'm not having any luck. Right now the only thing that I can think of is the Rainbow Serpent because it's related to Dreamtime and the aboriginal myth, but Moana mentioned she had tried a lot of stuff for that the first night. Phobe said she spent an hour searching, so I can't imagine they haven't tried anything I can try from there. The new clues aren't helping much either.