--8th Place-- 1-1 Vote
By Jonathan LaPaglia
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Wow what a rush.

1. How did the merge breakdown in terms of alliances leading up to that Council?
2. Had Peter not given up his Immunity, what would have happened?
3. How does Jacqui getting Immunity shift the dynamics of the game going forward?
4. Does the Public Immunity Idol change anything?

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Phoebe
1. How did the merge breakdown in terms of alliances leading up to that Council?
Basically, the alliances ended up being Moana/Rohan/AK/Benji/Lee who just voted out Flick. Shane/Jacqui/Peter. Brooke/Monika/Zach/Fanalla. I am sort of in that last group, but also kind of a wildcard. Monika is another wildcard who is also tied with AK/Rohan. Fanalla is also wanting to make more of a move with Benji/Lee/Moana it seems eventually. Going into the round, everyone was kind of set on Peter leaving .He then won the immunity challenge, which led the target to go on Jacqui. The idea was kind of a cold-war was starting but paused between Brooke's group and Lee/Moana's group. :rofl:

Jacqui was about to go, but then Peter gave up his immunity for her to stay. I also grabbed a public idol. Not sure if Peter was thinking I would play it on him or not, but I tend to keep it for myself! It made for all the people who were going to vote Jacqui were just going to then vote for Peter. This weakens the Jacqui/Shane grouping, getting rid of their ally Peter. It also prevents anyone from getting pissed off.....for right now. :rofl:

2. Had Peter not given up his Immunity, what would have happened?
Everyone who voted Peter, would have voted Jacqui per plan. Jacqui would have been gone to leave Peter/Shane kind of alone & in the minority. :zany:

3. How does Jacqui getting Immunity shift the dynamics of the game going forward?
It gives Jacqui a second chance here. It makes it potentially possible for her to weasel her way into groups now. Everyone doesn't see her as a threat since she almost got the boot last night with very little support. I think she appreciated my support during the voting period, where I told her Benji talks to people the least. I think that information gave her a hint at someone she could always try to target & she appreciated this.

My thought now is that Shane/Jacqui are more useful to the two sides, versus people to take out. I think brooke is going to try to sntach them up to use with her/zach/monika/fanalla grouping. I think she thinks I am on board as well. I also think that Moana/Lee are going to try to snatch them up to maybe take out Zach or Brooke. It is a war that is about to go off!! Cannot wait to see in the middle for a bit longer until I choose my legit side here. :smile:

4. Does the Public Immunity Idol change anything?
It is going to give me a huge chance to get in on the game when I need to. I am trying to not appear super threatening right now. I want Brooke's side and Lee/Moana's side to kind of attack each other right now. I keep having good relationships with both sides. I also have a good rapport going with Rohan/AK. I just want to try to avoid the drama right now. However, I now i need to eventually start making my moves for myself as well. I think the public immunity idol is going to be my way of gaining control on a weaker side.

My thought is to stick with Fanalla/Benji/Lee/Moana if I can. I almost want them to be my major allies. Rohan/AK seem too close to Monika in a way, I am unsure of what is going on there and where they truly stand.

I think a big move is going to be needed against Brooke/Monika soon. My thought is to potentially use this Public Immunity idol to make that work if the votes aren't going in that way naturally.

Phoebe is trying to play a social game right now. I am trying to let others fuck themselves over just a bit longer if I can. :heart:


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By Phoebe
--Monika & Fanalla are looking for new avenues to go

Monika's avenue is with either Shane/Jacqui or with AK/Rohan

Fanalla's new avenue is either with Lee/Benji/Moana or with Shane/Jacqui


Overall this weekend wasn't as chatty as I had hoped. I go into tonight being extremely nervous if I do not win immunity. I am going to talk to people for the rest of the night to see if I can come up with a plan. My thought is to try to get Zach out of this game. If I can get Zach out of the game here, then Brooke is going to need me more. I want to weaken Brooke without having her go directly, I just don't know if I can get Lee/Benji/Moana to want to do this. Ugh ugh ugh. Lee seems to think that Benji like Zach/Brooke/Monika and has some tie there(But Benji is rarely even online?!?) :sob: :sob:


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By Phoebe
Lee/Moana/Fanalla/Phoebe/Shane/Jacqui working together may become a potential here. Lee mention it, I am going with it to see if we can get this mixed group together as a solid thing. Fanalla wants to eventually vote out Brooke. We could almost take out someone easy like Benji tonight then work together as a tight group of 6 for Top 11. :loveeyes: :loveeyes:


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By Phoebe
AK is running around to try to get Lee out(before he won the immunity challenge), he also mentioned Fanalla's name. He basically wants to get rid of other people potentially playing the middle.

I am over AK and his antics. He is trying to control the middle with Rohan/Monika. I told Brooke, Lee, Shane, Jacqui and even Moana that I would love to see AK go if we cannot get Benji to work.

If AK left, then it would give me more control here. I want these sides to fight, but AK is trying to keep the sides apart & hold the fighting for later. AK needs to get the fuck out of the way. STOP STANDING IN THE MIDDLE AK, not enough room for both of us here. :rofl: :rofl:


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By Phoebe
I am fighting to get Benji or AK the F out of here.

Jacqui/Shane/Lee/Myself/Moana and hopefully with Fanalla if we do AK, or Monika/Fanalla if we do Benji.

Brooke wants Shane. :rofl: :rofl:


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By Phoebe
Phoebe wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 6:33:42 pm Now, AK is trying to target Brooke. What a legit headache.
Using this information to let Brooke know, to maybe get her to want AK to leave.


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By Phoebe
The vote is now AK vs Brooke.

I am pushing for AK to go. Brooke has no power, she mentioned Shane's name earlier and it didn't go ANYWHERE. She is losing control/has nothing & will always be a target in this game.

AK going would help give more control to Lee/Moana/Myself, that is kind of what I want. I want to play the middle instead of letting AK/Rohan play that middle card.

I am fighting to AK out here with Zach/Brooke/Moana/Lee/Jacqui, I am hoping Shane would do AK as well. I guess we will see. This is such a mess. :rofl: :rofl:
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By Phoebe
Lee/Moana/Brooke/Zach/myself are 5 solid votes for AK

AK/Rohan/Benji, and I think Shane are voting Brooke

Shane/Jacqui are iffy right now.

Fanalla isn't online to vote. Monika is wanting to vote Benji.

I really hope Shane/Jacqui flip to voting AK, but even if they don't--it may tie break here. Brooke wants me to use the idol on her, but I think it would be a waste.

I hope this plan works and AK gets the fuck out of here. AK is playing such a middle game. Monika is as well, but AK is bugging me more/is more dangerous. AK TO GO! please please work! :inlove: :inlove:


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