--6th Place-- Voted Out 2-2-2
By Jonathan LaPaglia
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1. Congrats on winning Immunity! How does it feel and how are you feeling about the tribe's performance?
2. What would have happened had you gone to council?
3. What was the fallout since your last council and has that change since we last spoke?
4. How has AK fit into the tribe and how will that change the dynamics going forward?

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Shane
1. We won by a single round! I mean, let's say we won the freakin coin toss, ffs. Whew.
2. I think we would have gotten rid of benji. I think we need to get rid of Benji. I think we should have gone to tribal. Shit.
3. Idk, but apparently Moana scared Benji into thinking he needed immunity this round. OH BOTHER.
4. He's fun enough. I can't trust him as far as I can throw him and he certainly isn't any kind of skinny legend.


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