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Episode 04 - Upside Down Under

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 9:41:13 pm
by Jonathan LaPaglia
Well the game has been flipped on its head.

1. How do you feel about the new members on your tribe now and who you are with from your original tribe?
2. With three new idols being up for grabs with pre-merge conditions, will that affect your strategy in how vote-outs happen?
3. Going from a large tribe of 12 to a small tribe of 7, how will your strategy change?
4. How are you feeling about your position in the new tribe and how do you think that will translate long-term?

Re: Episode 04 - Upside Down Under

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 1:46:22 am
by AK
1. How do you feel about the new members on your tribe now and who you are with from your original tribe?

Oh boy, oh boy. Bit concerned to be honest. Literally the two from Larra that I was wondering if I should rock on with are the two I end up with. Frankly, I am just hoping Rohan isn’t playing me because little to no faith in Abbey based on our interactions.

I would find it hard to believe that Abbey and Ro connected on the same personal level I did with Ro though, so I cautiously optimistic if they are gunning for either of us, he would steer them toward Abbey… but I don’t have any certainty in that dept.

The good news: I seem to have connected with both Pheebs and Shonee. Pheebs and I share similar vocations and academic passions, while Shonee and I are both Buffy nuts… so, maybe I’m bonkers, but unless they have mega connects with the other three old Djaru, I think they would at least try to keep me from going first of us three Larra. I tried to lay the foundations with Pheebs that Abs was a leader on our tribe… but girl power is a thing, so I gotta work overtime.

2. With three new idols being up for grabs with pre-merge conditions, will that affect your strategy in how vote-outs happen?

Um, I will probably try to not piss off the people that are more likely to have snagged it - I think that boils down to time active and general intelligence gleaned. I think it would be tricky to pretendd to be dumb in this game and stilll be likable - in fact, I wouldn’t say there is anyone that comes off unfortunately dim. I know I noted I didn’t think people were smart enough last night to snag it in Larra, but I’m less sure about that today. Brooke knows a shit ton about where I stand now - she could be a more ferocious player than I was cognizant of, so Abbey mentioned she thinks Brooke has it, which I can’t deny is a possibility. I am hoping Jenna has it though.

3. Going from a large tribe of 12 to a small tribe of 7, how will your strategy change?

Well I went from being what was perceived as a top dog in Larra to playing from the bottom in Tulua. Not super happy about it, but I do like a challenge, so I am gonna try try try to stay in this puppy. I definitely think Pia picked me first so she had the chance to take me out. She was smart enough to ensure she stayed in the middle range of the ranking pecking order. I always had a funny feeling about her and now I am kicking myself for wanting to play with her. She is the only one on our tribe to not even say hey to me so far, so how can I not see that as a bad sign. Especially when she was active for like 2 hours that I was… and I tried… maybe too much I worry.

Ultimately, if I don’t feel like there is cracks in the old Djaru - I am gonna do my best to get them to target Abs if we go to tribal. While there is such a thing as girl power, there is also mean girls and I am hoping that is how Pia is seen by at least one of them. Granted, can’t speak to Connor’s presence so far. But I appreciate that he at least reached out. I should me excited that Pia picked me, but I don’t think it is because she wants to play with me, if I am being real.

4. How are you feeling about your position in the new tribe and how do you think that will translate long-term?

Shit. If I can get Shonee and Pheebs… there is hope - won’t be easy. I will see if I have any kind of relatability with Connor; and I am thankful RoRo seems to think he is willing to make some moves. Granted, I do recall Connor being active as hell, which is also the case for Pia… so I get a sneaking suspicion those two are gonna vote the same. Really boils down to if Abbey knows I was suspicious of her or not; hate to say it, but given the loose lips of Flick and Brooke, chances are they have made her weary of me already. But I am just hoping she sees the value in having someone that at least on the surface has only been working with her. Frankly, I have only made an official final 4 and that is with her, Ro and Flick… so while I know there is double dealing going down, not sure that kind of cluster is already rooted, at least within other Old Larrakais.

I guess I was the only one to not see a swap coming here. I should have anticipated 3 tribes and it makes me feel silly. And I do worry about Johno and Monka, while I think Brooke is gonna mow with people down over there with a numbers advantage. Can’t wait to see what the hell goes down.