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Episode 05 - Another Shrimp on the Barbie

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 8:45:08 pm
by Jonathan LaPaglia
Still in, yeet!

4 down, 19 to go. Still a ton of game left to play.

1. Have things been ramping up yet in the smaller tribe or do you have some wiggle room?
2. Is this a cross-tribal game yet or are you still sticking Ridgid with your original group?
3. Who of the new tribemates are you bonding with the most/least?
4. Have you gotten to know the players you were on a tribe with originally better/bonded more?

Re: Episode 05 - Another Shrimp on the Barbie

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:23:33 pm
by Brooke
I'm glad it was Abbey who got voted out. My voting record remains intact.

There is a dangerous situation with Larrakai's still getting voted out. Granted it was Abbey and she was never a great asset to keep around for anybody, so I GET IT, but still is like, what if they are trying to keep the Djaru's and throwing challenges since we are the only tribe with a Larrakai majority. Yes normally it would be like, grow up and play the game with new people guys, but there is comfort in "the devil you know" and they could be playing up to that. Trying to save Moanna, Lee or Benji. Granted they were in the bottom of their ranks but it still something to think about.