--11th Place-- Voted Out 10-1
By Jonathan LaPaglia
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Wow what a rush.

1. How did the merge breakdown in terms of alliances leading up to that Council?
2. Had Peter not given up his Immunity, what would have happened?
3. How does Jacqui getting Immunity shift the dynamics of the game going forward?
4. Does the Public Immunity Idol change anything?

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Fanella
I will post a more detailed confessional tomorrow when I'm not exhausted from a long day of work. I'm a little sad not gonna lie that tribal crushed me a little. I know I should be more thick skinned but I've been really excited to play this and its disappointing to see how life got in the way in the beginning, but also that now when i think its looking up, people are still seeing me as trash.


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By Jonathan LaPaglia
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I'm going to give you a little pep talk.

It's clear that Peter and some others might think you're floating. The good news is that you made the merge! The game is only halfway over, which means there is a LOT left to play. You can finish strong, you're just going to have to start working against the notion that you're inactive or floating through before it's too late and you're a goat.

If you're unhappy with the story that people are telling you about yourself, change it.

We believe in you! It's why we cast you. I've seen you own rematches, and play a successful endgame in a scrappy way. You begged me to play because you had a passion for it. Don't lose that.
Peter liked this

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Fanella
poods, imma be honest. it feels like you only cast me because you initially invited me and i was pissed that gary kicked me out and it feels like you never wanted me here in the first place. i don't need a pep talk from you. i started shitty ill own that but im seriously having trouble chatting with people and thats frustrating because its hard to change something that feels impossible.


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By Fanella
i'm really sorry if this is coming off rude but i don't like feeling like i need to alter my game to prove to certain hosts that i'm not "boring" or some shit. im not saying ive loved my game so far because that would be a lie but i dont appreciate the constant label of me being inactive being brought up in tribals and shit. if my chat is working accordingly, plenty of people arent messaging me either....sorry i missed a tribal so have others. at least i actually finished the challenge and i didnt even have the worst score.

OK sorry rant over i just needed to let it out. i wouldnt still be here if i was actually pissed im just frustrated.


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By Jonathan LaPaglia
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I'm not the one bringing up the inactive label, other contestants are. I'm just trying to help you for what seems to be an inevitable outcome on the current path you're on. But you do you.

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Fanella
Ok I need to sort out my thoughts on peeps right now

Jacqui & Shane = strong pair
AK & Rohan = pair with Benji as a third, Monika as fourth and interested in Shane & Jacqui collaboration
Zach & Monika = pair? also zach apparently as a nullifier
Moana & Lee = pair, but also close to Benji?
Phoebe & Me = kinda in the middle but feeling good with Lee (also if you wanna know what i look like in real life phoebes new pic is kinda close lol) Phoebe also has the public immunity idol

And then there's Brooke....i mean she's great but like too great. very much reminds me of Kim. she's everyone's best friend and everyone seems to think she's with them. and everyone pretends to hate her but no one actually does or has been trying to target her, just letting her do whatever she wants and dictate votes.

I personally feel the best vibes from Phoebe, Lee, and possibly Moana but idk it's really hard to tell. Most sketchy: AK, Benji

This has been thought with Big Fanny you may now resume your regular programming. (Ask me if I've done any real work today...NO)


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