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Episode 16 - Kangaroo Jacqui

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 9:23:40 pm
by Gary Hogeboom
Um WOW. That was... pretty neat. Tell me some stuff about what's going on...

1. Just start with a rundown of the few hours before and during tribal. What as your part i it all and how do you think you came out of it?
2. Whats the fallout here? Have things been shaken up or are alliances generally still together?
3. Who do you need to get on the jury as soon as possible?
4. There is a ton of threats and flashing of idols going on. Can you use that to your advantage?
5. How close were you to playing your idol? Why did you ultimately feel safe enough to hold it?

Re: Episode 16 - Kangaroo Jacqui

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:06:32 pm
by Monika
I would just like to say I'M A BAD FUCKING BITCH.

Tonight went great for me actually. Going into the tribal tonight, I knew I was getting votes because I was being ignore by half the tribe and nobody was talking to me. I decided to keen into what was being said at tribal, and I kind of gathered that if the votes were to add up the way I thought they would, I would get 3, zach would get 4 and then Jacqui would get some and then there would be some randoms. I yeeted it and changed my vote at the last second to Jacqui, hoping for a split. The reason I did that was so that if I survived, I could pull together both sides of the game (regain trust with Brooke and Zach, as well as maintain trust with Phoebe and her peeps). When the revote was happening, I kept my mouth SHUT and was like "don't stir the pot sis" and that worked as well. Not only did it go how I thought it would, BUT I KEPT MY FUCKING IDOL TOO.

So now: I feel like I'm coming out of that tribal with more allies, less of a target on me AND an idol in my pocket.

Anyway, I'm pleased with how tonight turned out. Kinda glad people don't know the kind of game I'm playing...v shady :woozy:

Goodnight y'all! Can't wait to fuck shit up tomorrow!
Monika <3