Immunity Challenge #14 - Survival Sequences

C'mon in guys!

Overview: Tonight's Immunity Challenge is a memory quiz. When you post in the challenge thread, you will see
different sequences of survival items in the form of a gif. I will ask you a true or false question about what you just saw. Each sequence has 2 questions. THE GIF WILL LOOP, ends with "END SEQUENCE"!

Your time stops when you post your answers in your confessional.

The Survivor with either the most correct answers or in the event of a tie, who submitted their answers the fastest wins.


A gif could show "egg watermelon kiwi lime chicken milk vinegar lettuce salmon milk END SEQUENCE"

Example of a question for that sequence:

True or False: This meal has three different fruits in it.
True or False: Milk is the only ingredient to appear twice in the sequence.


  • Each round I will post a gif of a sequence of items.
  • Following the gif, II will ask a True or False question involving the sequence you just saw.
  • You can only submit your answers once, so do it carefully.
Deadline: 7:00c/8:00e Sunday October 27th. Tribal Council to follow at 8:00c/9:00e.

Any questions?

Jonathan LaPaglia

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